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Slug Types: Rifled slugs are ide?

I later found a barrel with screw in chokes where the Federals and Remington slugs shot adequ?

So if you do shoot slugs from the choke tube you have the Winchester brand slugs are probably your best bet. The foster slugs like the remington sluggers use a hollow base soft lead slug that has most of it's weight forward and flies thru the air like an arrow with the lighter skirt acting like. When the use of a shotgun slug is required (or preferred), equipping a smoothbore with a rifled choke tube is always an economical solution. Then put on your IC choke and repeat till you face fiction of some 12 to 20 lbs at the choke. man hit by car jacksonville fl The best choke for slugs depends on the type of slug you are using and the range at which you will be shooting. Sep 22, 2011 · Try a few different chokes with a few different types of buckshot. Feb 18, 2011 · Wow!I just run my new 20 gage out to the Nevada desert for a test fire. I had some friends tell me stories about blowing out screw in chokes with slugs and buck shot. 25-inch-long drywall screws contains approximately 300 pieces. madden 22 draft class ratings You'll need to shoot your gun at a target, just like a rifle, to find out which slug/choke combination it prefers. I called around to the custom choke shops. Have read that you need to keep an eye on screw-in chokes; seem to remember someone online mentioned about one flying downrange after an extensive # of slugs. And shooting slugs with a full choke can be done Rifled slugs can be used in all shotgun barrels, smooth, rifled, choke, no choke, whatever. cartoon nurses police 870, fixed choke cylinder bore, a real KS gun, if I want to shoot sluggs I just get a box of rifled slugs and don't worry about chokes. ….

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